Are Shar-Peis Good Apartment Dogs?

With all those wrinkles, Shar-Peis -- officially, Chinese Shar-Peis -- probably have one of the most unique appearances in the world of dogs.

Shar-Peis originated in southern China more than two thousand years ago. The breed was originally used as guard dogs and shepherds.



After the communist revolution the breed almost disappeared. Luckily, in the early 1970s a breeder from Hong Kong sent a number of Shar-Peis to the United States. They were an instant hit. That's when the breed began to recover and even made the cover of Life Magazine! They are still considered to be one of the rarest dogs in the world.

Shar-Pei on the Cover of Life Magazine

The American Kennel Club says they at the 70th most popular breed in the United States in 2023. They are not that common in New York City. The NYC Department of Licensing says there are currently 800 Shar-Peis registered with the city.

Wrinkle Dogs

The name “Shar-Pei” means “sand-skin," referring to their distinctive short, rough coats. Shar-Peis have broad muzzles, blue-black tongues, small eyes, tiny triangular ears, and loads of characteristic folds of loose skin about the head, neck, and shoulders. (If you want to know why Shar-Peis are so wrinkly, check out this study at the Science Daily website.)

They generally stand about 18-to-20 inches tall and weigh from 45-to-60 pounds, making them medium-sized dogs. Their life expectancy is from 8 to 12 years.

Do Shar-Peis Make Good City Dogs?

A few years back at an edition of the American Kennel Club's Meet the Breeds exposition I met Marge Callthorp of Mar-Bo Kennels in East Haddam, CT. She told me she’d been a Shar-Pei enthusiast since 1978 as an owner, breeder, and exhibitor. She said their various characteristics and behavior make them great apartment dogs.



Do Shar-Peis Bark a Lot?

Shar-Peis are not excessive barkers. Callthorp said they are guard dogs and they will bark when they detect something unusual, like a stranger at the door, but other than that they are largely pretty quiet. This is good news for your neighbors in your building. Click here for more on Urban Dog’s take on barking.

Are Shar-Peis Easily Trained?

It's important that dogs living in shared spaces like apartment buildings to be well-behaved. You don't want your dog pestering people in elevators, hallways, and lobbies. Shar-Peis are about average when it comes to training. They obey first commands about 50% of the time according to Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia who studies dog behavior. That means it takes them about 25 to 40 repetitions for them to learn new commands. 

As with most dogs, early training and socialization are essential. You don't want your Shar-Pei bossing you around.

How are Shar-Peis with Strangers, Children, and other Animals?

Callthorp said Shar-Peis can be affectionate with their owners, but a little more aloof when meeting new people. She said they are good with children. They can be cautious around other dogs and animals.

Another Urban Dog essential is early socialization. Your Shar-Pei is going to encounter people and other dogs on pretty much a daily basis. Make sure you enroll your puppy in a socialization program as soon as they are eligible.

Do Shar-Peis Require a Lot of Exercise?

Shar-Peis do not require a lot of exercise. Their type of guarding behavior is to generally sit and protect, not patrol. Taking them for periodic walks will suffice. You aren't going to have to find wide open spaces to run your Shar-Pei. 



Taking Care of Your Shar-Pei

Shar-Peis don't require a ton of grooming. A bath once each month is plenty. You should clean the folds periodically. Make sure they are dry once you've cleaned them.

The Bottom Line

We think Shar-Peis can make great Urban Dogs, but as with most dogs, just make sure you keep them engaged, socialized, and well-trained. For more check out the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of America. And for tips on how to find a pet-friendly apartment in New York and other cities read Urban Dog’s house-hunting guide.


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