Are Shar-Peis Good Apartment Dogs?
Traveling with Your Dog in New York City
A comprehensive guide to traveling in and around New York City with your dog. Urban Dog has a complete list of all your transportation options.
Balto and Other Statues of Dogs in New York City
In the 1920s, Nome, Alaska suffered a terrible diphtheria outbreak. Teams of mushers and sled dogs -- led by Balto and others -- battled blizzard conditions over nearly 700 miles to deliver medicine to the stricken town. Brooklyn-born sculptor Frederick George Richard Roth created this tribute to the heroic dog.
Driving From New York to Florida with Your Dog
Check out our ideas about driving from New York to Florida with dogs: the ride itself and how to make it as pleasant as possible. Then read about safety and travel tips that'll help you make sure you and your dog are prepared for long distance car travel.